Interprofessional Education, Collaborative Practice and Research
The University of Arizona Center for Transformative Interprofessional Healthcare (CTIPH) was founded as a coordinating center to advance University of Arizona Health Sciences interprofessional education, collaborative practice, and research. CTIPH advances collaborative, innovative, and transformative interprofessional initiatives across professions, disciplines, learning institutions, health care systems, research centers, and communities at-large by:
- Preparing health professions graduates for team-based, patient-centered care
- Preparing faculty and practicing health professionals to provide team-centered educational and collaborative practice learning environments
- Advancing a community of scholars who specialize in team dynamics, team management, collaborative education, practice, and research
- Advancing the science of those processes that facilitate effective team-based education, practice, and research
CTIPH events align with the University of Arizona Health Sciences Strategic Initiatives for next-generation education and the University of Arizona Strategic Plan.
Interprofessional Education "occurs when learners from two or more professions learn about, from and with each other to enable effective collaboration and improve health outcomes."
Interprofessional collaborative practice "occurs when multiple health workers from different professional backgrounds provide comprehensive health services by working with patients, their families, carers (caregivers), and communities to deliver the highest quality of care across settings."— World Health Organization, Framework for Action, 2010
What can students expect from UArizona Health Sciences interprofessional education experiences?
Our Vision
Our vision is to advance collaborative, innovative, and transformative interprofessional initiatives across disciplines, learning institutions, health care systems, research centers, and communities.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to advance, improve, and transform healthcare quality, the health of populations, and healthcare value through team-based education, practice, and research.
Accreditation Agencies and Interprofessional Education
For more information about the Interprofessional education standard in undergraduate medical education, please click the link and refer to standard 7.8.
For more information about the Interprofessional education standard in graduate medical education, please click the link and refer to Common standard VI.F on page 20.
Domain 6 of Essentials, Interprofessional Partnerships
The new Essentials are for all degree levels. Entry into the nursing profession are expected to obtain Level 1 sub-competencies and advanced providers are expected to obtain level 2 sub-competencies.
An executive summary of the new Essentials
Full document on 2021 Essentials
For more information about the Interprofessional education standard in pharmacy education, please click the link and refer to standard 11 on page 7.
For more information about the Interprofessional education standard in physical therapy education, please click the link and refer to standard 7D24 and 7D28.
For more information about the Interprofessional education standard in public health education, please click the link and refer to standard D2 and D3 on page 18 and 19.
For more information about the Interprofessional education standard for nutrition and dietetics programs, please click the link and refer to the ACEND Accreditation Standards.
For more information about the Interprofessional education standard for nutrition and dietetics programs, please click the link and refer to the AMVA Accreditation Policies.