CTIPH Leadership
The Center for Transformative Interprofessional Healthcare (CTIPH) Director is Margie Arnett, MS, and overseen by Daniel Derksen, MD, the Associate Vice President for Health Equity, Outreach and Interprofessional Activities. Dr. Lynne Tomasa supports IPE activities through identification of learning outcomes, development of assessment tools, and process evaluation.
UAHS Strategic Plan, Theme: "Future proof: graduates."
Meet the Team!
Margie R. Arnett, MS
Lynne Tomasa, PhD, MSW
Daniel Derksen, MD
Associate Directors & Liaisons
Janet Cooley, PharmD, BCACP
LeeAnne Denny, MD
Stephanie Gasser, MSN-Ed, RN-BC
Coming Soon TBD
IPE Event Chairs
Introduction to Interprofessionalism - Bernadette Cornelison, PharmD, MS, BCPS
Climate & Health – Mona Arora, PhD, MsPH
CLARION IPE Case Competition – Margie Arnett, MS
Disabilities – Tammie Bassford, MD
Global Health - Sommer Aldulaimi, MD, FAAFP
One Health – open
Pain and Substance Misuse - Bridget Murphy, DBH, M.Ed.
All-Hazards Preparedness – Margie Arnett, MS
Team Behaviors - Stephanie Gasser, MSN-Ed, RN-DC
Tobacco Cessation - Bernadette Cornelison, PharmD, MS, BCPS
Weight-Inclusive Health - Kelly Jackson, EdD, MS, RDN
Health Science Design (Credit bearing) - Kasi Kiehlbaugh, PhD
IPE Event Advisory Committee
The IPE Event Advisory Committee reviews and approves new IPE activities: logistics, curriculum review, instructional design, program evaluation, and student assessment. This Committee follows IPEC competencies that account for overall achievement of UAHS goals.
- Margie Arnett, Director, Center for Transformative Interprofessional Education
- Madelyn Davis, Instructional Designer, College of Nursing
- LeeAnne Denny, IPE Director, College of Medicine-Phoenix
- Bryna Koch, Research Program Administrator, AZ Center for Rural Health
- Kevin Lohenry, PhD, PA-C, Director of Physicians Assistant Program, Assistant Vice President of Interprofessional Education
- Collette Scott, Director, Interprofessional Clinical & Professional Skills Center
- Andreas Theodorou, Professor, College of Medicine-Tucson. Chief Education Officer, Banner Health
- Lynne Tomasa, Assistant Professor, College of Medicine

New IPE Proposals
We are excited that you wish to submit a proposal for a new interprofessional education initiative.