UA Faculty Scholarly Work

UAHS Faculty IPE Articles

Faculty IPE Articles: By sharing their experiences, insights, and scholarly contributions, UAHS faculty contributed to field of interprofessional education and promoted effective cross-professional partnerships that enhance both faculty development and student learning outcomes.

  1. Eng HJ, Tong TG. Project Taking Charge: An Interprofessional Education Approach to Improve Health Outcomes. J Med-Clin Res & Rev. 2022;6(5):1-4.
  2. Zeien J, Hanna J, Yee S, De Castro A, Puracan J, Ervin B, Kang P, Harrell S, Hartmark-Hill J. Education without walls: Using a street medicine program to provide real-world interprofessional learning. Journal of Interprof Care. 2022;8:1-9.
  3. Landau A, Sanchez B, Kiser L, De Zapien J, Hall-Lipsy E, Pina Lopez D, Ingram M, Ahumada J. Health Sciences Interprofessional Collaborative: A perspective on migration, COVID-19, and the impact on indigenous communities. Frontiers in Sociology. 2021:106.
  4. Lee JK, McCutcheon L, Fazel M, Cooley J, Slack M. Assessment of Interprofessional Collaborative Practices and Outcomes in Adults with Diabetes and Hypertension in Primary Care: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.  JAMA Netw Open. 2021;4(2) e2036725.
  5. Ransdell LB, Greenberg ME, Isaki E, Lee A, Bettger JP, Hung G, Gelatt A, Lindstrom-Mette A, Cason J. Best practices for building interprofessional telehealth: Report of a conference. Internl J Telerehabilitation. 2021;13(2). 
  6. McCutcheon LR, Haines ST, Valaitis R, Sturpe DA, Russell G, Saleh AA, Clauson KA, Lee JK. Impact of interprofessional primary care practice on patient outcomes: A scoping review. SAGE Open. 2020 Jun;10(2):2158244020935899.
  7. Brooks AJ, Koithan MS, Lopez AM, Klatt M, Lee JK, Goldblatt E, Sandvold I, Lebensohn P. Incorporating integrative healthcare into interprofessional education: What do primary care training programs need? J Interprof Care. 2019;1;14:6-12.
  8. Collins C, Lovett M, Biffar D, Hamilton A, Holder K, Holcomb M, Yonsetto P, Weinstein R. The use of remote and traditional faciliation to evaluate telesimulation to support interprofessional education and processing in healthcare simulation training. In 2019 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim) 2019 Apr 29 (pp. 1-7). IEEE.
  9. Fazel MT, Cooley J, Kurdi S, Fazel M.  A Co-Curricular Diabetes-Specific Elective with Interprofessional Students and Faculty. Curr Pharm Teach Learn. 2019;11(2):172-177.
  10. Hobart CB, Daines CL, Phan H. Developing future clinical pharmacy leaders in the interprofessional care of Children With Special Health Care Needs And Medical Complexity (CSHCN-CMC) in a pediatric pulmonary center. Children. 2019;6(12):135.
  11. Schussel K, Forbes S, Taylor A, and Cooley J.  Implementation of an Interprofessional Medication Therapy Management Experience. Am J Pharm Educ. 2019;83(3) Article 6584.
  12. Murphy JE, Liles AM, Bingham AL, Chamberlin KW, Dang DK, Hill LG, Lee M, Leonard A, Lodise NM, Rogers E. Interprofessional education: Principles and application. An update from the American College of Clinical Pharmacy. J Am Coll Clin Pharm 2018;1(1):e17-28.
  13. Taylor AM, Bingham J, Schussel K, Axon DR, Dickman DJ, Boesen K, Martin R, Warholak TL. Integrating innovative telehealth solutions into an interprofessional team-delivered chronic care management pilot program. J Managed Care & Spec Pharm. 2018;24(8):813-8.
  14. Lee JK, Cioltan H, Goldsmith P, Heasley B, Dermody M, Fain M, Mohler JAn Assisted Living Interprofessional Education and Practice Geriatric Screening Clinic (IPEP-GSC): a description and evaluation. Gerontology. 2018;166-77.
  15. Fazel MT, Fazel M, Bedrossian NL, Picazo F, Pendergrass ML. A student-implemented elective to improve medical student confidence in providing diabetes self-management support. Adv Med Edu and Practice. 2016;5:567-70.
  16. Amerongen H, LeGros T, Cooley J, Schloss E, Theodorou A. Constructive Contact: Design of a Successful Introductory Interprofessional Education Experience. Curr Pharm Teach Learn. 2015;7(5) 565-574.
  17. Kligler B, Brooks AJ, Maizes V, Goldblatt E, Klatt M, Koithan MS, Kreitzer MJ, Lee JK, Lopez AM, McClafferty H, Rhode R, Sandvold I, Saper R, Taren D, Wells E, Lebensohn P. Interprofessional competencies in integrative primary healthcare. Global Advances in Health and Medicine. 2015;4(5) 33-9.
  18. LeGros T, Amerongen H, Cooley J, Schloss E. Using Learning Theory, Interprofessional Facilitation Competencies and Behavioral Indicators to Evaluate Facilitator Training.  J Interprof Care. 2015;29(6)596-602.
  19. Bohnenkamp S, Pelton N, Rishel CJ, Kurtin S. Implementing evidence-based practice using an interprofessional team approach: Part two. Onc Nurs Forum 2014 Sep;(Vol 41, No5).
  20. Mohler J, D’Huyvetter K, O’Neill L, Clemens C, Waer A, Began V, Wendel C, Fain M. Development of an enhanced interprofessional chief resident immersion training (IP-CRIT) program. Geront & Geriatric Edu. 2014;35(4):354-68.
  21. Titelbaum A, Lucas L, Fisher R. Sowing the Seeds of Integrative Health Care: Implementation of an Interprofessional Anatomy Curriculum for First Year Students FASEB Journal. 2014;28:18-4.
  22. Coleman N, Tomasa L, Michaels C, Murphy J, Theodorou A. Five Components for Success: Using a Checklist to Plan an Interprofessional Learning Activity. J Interprof Care. 2013;27:25.
  23. Goldstone LW, Cooley J. An Interprofessional Psychiatric Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience. Am J Pharm Educ. 2013;77(6):129.
  24. Herkoko K, Tomasa L, Erps KA & Weinstein RS. Student Views of Pandemic Flu Exercise at the University of Arizona. J Interprof Care. 2013;27S:173.
  25. Michaels C, Amerongen H, Tomasa L, Coleman N, Murphy J, Theodorou A. From Stereotypes to Scope of Practice: Building Interprofessional Respect. J Interprof Care. 2013;27:39-40.  
  26. Lee JK, Slack MK, Martin J, Ehrman C, Chisholm-Burns M Geriatric Patient Care by U.S. Pharmacists in Healthcare teams: systematic review and meta-analyses.  J Am Geriatr Soc. 2013;61(7):1119-27.
  27. Mohler MJ, O'Neill L, D'Huyvetter K, Clemens CJ, Waer A, Began VD, Fain MJ. Supporting the triple aim: interprofessional chief resident in training program. J Amer Geriatrics Society. 2013;61(10):1839-40.
  28. Prescher H, Biffar D, Tomasa L, Berg M, Grisham L, Mathesen Y, Theodorou A, Hamilton A. Board 234-Program Innovations Abstract A Seven Year Collaboration Between Three Colleges to Learn Interprofessional Skills During a CPR Team Behavior Simulation (Submission# 1037). Simulation in Healthcare. 2013;8(6):482-3.
  29. Theodorou A, Berg M, Tomasa L, Michaels C, Coleman N, Hamilton A & Murphy J. CPR Simulation: Active Learning about Team Roles and Communication. J Interprof Care. 2013;27:45-46.
  30. Tomasa L, Murphy JMichaels C, Taren D, Coleman N, Theodorou A. From Silos to Collaborative Teams: Deconstructing, Rebuilding, and Growth. Informa Health. 2013;(27):126. 
  31. Schmitt MH, Gilbert JH, Brandt BF, Weinstein RS. The coming of age for interprofessional education and practice. Am J Med 2013;126(4):284-8.
  32. Weinstein RS, Brandt BF, Gilbert JH, Schmitt MH. Collaborating Across Borders III (CAB III) “Interprofessional Collaboration: From Concept to Preparation to Practice” Tucson, Arizona, USA J Interprof Care. 2013;27(sup1):1-5.
  33. Weinstein RS, McNeely RA, Holcomb MJ, Doppalapudi L, Sotelo MJ, Lopez AM, Erps KA, Martin CJ, Krupinski EA, Graham AR, Barker GP. Technologies for interprofessional education: The interprofessional education-distributed. J Allied Health. 2010;39(3):238-45.
  34. Weinstein RS, López AM, Barker GP, Krupinski EABeinar SJ, Major J, Skinner T, Holcomb MJ, McNeely RA. Arizona Telemedicine Program interprofessional learning center: facility design and curriculum development. J Interprof Care. 2007;21(sup2):51-63.