Interprofessional Training Videos

Interprofessional Training Videos

 Vital Signs of Support: A Collaborative Approach to Pain Management

Vital Signs of Support: A Collaborative Approach to Pain Management


The University of Arizona’s:

This video was filmed at the University of Arizona, and developed as part of the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) 3Cs Framework for Pain and Unhealthy Substance Use pilot project aimed to expand core competencies in interprofessional education and practice.

This video was developed, in part, from funding from Grant number CDC-RFA-CE19-1904 funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Contract NO: CTR 056154 funded to the Arizona Department of Health Service. The contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the CDC, HHS, or ADHS.  It was also funded. In part, through a career development award to Dr. Bridget Murphy from the University of Arizona Health Sciences and Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health.
The information in this video is for educational purposes only and does not replace the advice of a medical professional, including diagnosis and treatment.

CPR Team Behaviors

Interprofessional CPR Team Behavior Simulations: Facilitating and Debriefing, 2014


University of Arizona Health Sciences
College of Medicine

Filmed at the Arizona Simulation Technology & Education Center (ASTEC)

Interprofessional CPR Team Behavior Simulations: Facilitating and Debriefing, 2014
YouTube Channel: IPEPcafe.